If you use Linux Ubuntu and you need to install the drivers from the
LG GW620 to be able to install a ROM in UBUNTU, first needs install the necessary drivers and SDK of
In this tutorial, we explained step by step, how to get it.
The first thing is to install Java. Depending on which version of Ubuntu that you have installed you will have to do so by terminal or through the center of software.
By terminal copy and paste the following command:
SUDO aptitude install sun-java6-bin
By the center for software simply are looking for "sun-java6-bin" and give it to install
We offload the sdk version of Linux in the official website, then descomprimimos and folder that comes with all of the files in the sdk the move to our user folder (home/username) and it "sdk" for that then it may be easier typing the commands in the terminal.
We declare the path of the sdk to find the executables becomes unappealing in a terminal:
SUDO gedit ~ / .bashrc
And in the files that are open are added to the end the following by replacing "user" by our user name:
Export PATH= $ {PATH} : /home/user/sdk/tools
Export PATH= $ {PATH} : /home/user/sdk/plattform-tools
And store and we closed the file and the terminal.
Having added the path now with just typing "android" in a terminal opens the "Android SDK & AVD Manager"
We Punctured in "available packages" and there on "refresh".
If i try to refresh we venta a error of the type: "No fetch https URL: … …. " We are going to settings and mark the box "vigor https:// ….. " Then on "save & normales" and we "avalaible packages" and refresh again.
Now will be two (or more) links: "Android repository" and "tercero Add-ons" we deploy the first "Android repository" and all of the packages cenas) .posee that leave us we mark the first (if not leave the first look) that puts "Android SDK Plattform tools" because this package is the need to install the drivers.
Now before anything else we are going to install the drivers from the phone.
We create a file by opening a terminal and typing the following:
SUDO gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/ 70-android.rules
Opens the text editor gedit and wrote on the the following:
SUBSISTEMA== "usb", ATTRS LIBRARY{idvendor} == " 1004 ", MODE= " 0666" # LG
We keep close and we re-create another document by typing in the terminal:
SUDO gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/ 11-android.rules
And within this file copy the following:
SUBSISTEMAS== "usb", ATTRS LIBRARY{idvendor} == " 1004 ", ATTRS LIBRARY{product id} == " 6171 ", MODE= " 0666 ", OWNER= "user id # GW620
SUBSISTEMAS== "usb", ATTRS LIBRARY{idvendor} == " 1004 ", ATTRS LIBRARY{product id} == " 618e", MODE= " 0666 ", OWNER= "user id # KH5200
We save and close the file.
We relaunched the pc
Now on the phone without CONNECT we are going to settings/applications/development and mark "debugging USB"
We can connect the phone to the PC and a terminal type: "adb devices" and recalls that in Linux distinguishes between uppercase and sensitive so make sure you put it in lowercase letters.